Past speaking engagements, lectures and panel discussions:

Saundra Amrhein speaking on the Panel at USF with USF Assistant Professor Angela Stuesse (left), Attorney John Ovink (center) and Cleto Chazares (right)

Saundra Amrhein speaking with Voice of America

Stephen Yale Loehr, Laura Danielson, Howard French, Ariana Lindquist and Saundra Amrhein at Columbia University

Stephen Yale-Loehr, Lisa Koenig, Saundra Amrhein and Farah Bala at Cleary Gottlieb |
- Ann Arbor Downtown Library, Michigan
Navigating the Immigration Experience. Guest speaker and book presentation. February, 2016.
- St. Petersburg College Guest lecturer-speaker, paralegal class. July, 2014.
- Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading Book presentation and discussion on immigration. October, 2012.
- University of Miami School of Law Book presentation and panel discussion on immigration and immigration reform. February, 2012.
- University of South Florida, Tampa The Face of Immigration and Reform. Panel discussion and book presentation. February, 2012.
- Rollins College, Orlando Panel discussion on immigration and immigration reform. February, 2012.
- American Immigration Lawyers Association South Florida Chapter, Coral Gables, Fla. Book presentation and immigration discussion. February, 2012.
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services naturalization ceremony, Tampa Book presentation. February, 2012.
- New York University The Face of Immigration and Reform. Immigration panel discussion and book presentation. January, 2012.
- Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Immigration panel discussion and book presentation. January, 2012.
- American Immigration Lawyers Association, Central Florida Chapter Conference, Clearwater, Fla. Book presentation and immigration discussion. October, 2011.
- The International Forum of Sun City Center, Florida. Panel discussion on Latin America. Lecture on Cuba. November, 2007.
For more information on how to book Saundra Amrhein for
your next event, please contact us.